Monday, April 28, 2008

a burst of new life, or one final post

I have not decided yet to continue this blog, but this post will be here, for all you disappointed fans of mine, let my words ease your pain; for I can only imagine the hurt and suffering that you people have been going through since October of last year. Let me now tell you, my loving fans, what Ive doing for the past 7 to 8 months starting with the most exciting/bizarre

1. I met Tiffany Uresti (a.k.a. my girlfriend). Yes, I know, hard to believe, but I have a relationship with a wonderful girl who is beautiful inside and out. Lucky, yes. Do I deserve her, absolutely not. But I let her know every day that she is brightens my life and that she brings me joy. Also, since I met her, my wallet is quite a bit thinner, which is a side effect to any relationship that is between a man and a woman that likes things. But anyway she is great and Ive said enough mushy lovey stuff already to make any one of my previous selves vomit, so Ill move on.

2.Collage Station, oh one of the greatest places on this earth, something about this place relaxes and rejuvinates (incorrect spelling) me. Two times I visited Collage Station since our last encounter, each a different experience though. The first time I stayed at Kevin Millers apartment (my brother). Usually his apartment is rustling and bustling with action and collage mischief, because there are normally 3 other people living at this particular apartment which I was staying for the time being, but it Christmas time was here, and the roommates were away doing whatever, one of them being Secel Strickland, but Ill get to him later. I had the place to myself, whatever I wanted to do, would be done, at least until Kevin got home from work. Unfortunately, this grew increasingly boring, so the methods of entertainment grew more bizarre with each passing day. I wont go into any details, instead Ill let your imaginations run wild. Anyway, after Kevin would arrive from his work at the Best Buy, the real fun would begin. Lots of time was spent at Kevins dads house where I got to hang out with Curtis Miller(my other, more intelligent and artistic brother) and his wife Kara. There we played the newly found wii, which was suprisingly amusing, and karioki(incorrect spelling) which was a weird experience for me. I wont go much further into my first stay, but i did have to walk to the nearest Albertson's in the freezing winter air to satisfy my craving for pancakes one morning. This happened to be the very morning that Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was killed, who was all over the news while I was cooking my much desired breakfast. It was a good visit, too bad for Benazir Bhutto though.

My second stay at Collage Station was a completely different experience. The one big difference this time around, was the attendance of Kevins roommates, who spiced things up a bit when Kevin was elsewhere. Another big difference was the addition of an xbox 360 to the apartment which I played when ever I could. Xbox live is the greatest, I mean, whats better than following a real players head with the sights of my scope, and then waiting for the opportune moment to pull the trigger and end the life of a real person, in the game of coarse. Chillin with the roommates was cool too, especially Secal (Kasey) Strickland, who I mentioned earlier. Hes one of the most bizarre and weird people Ive ever met, but hes cool. I think the sound of him saying "my little butter cup, all nice and buttery" will forever be burned into my brain, but its all good. I was also given permission to use Kevins TREK bike this time around which granted me accsess to whatever Collage Station had to offer, and whatever my wallet could afford, which was not much. But riding around was fun, wasn't cooped up inside all day, and exploring the town was exiting. It was a good mess of fun, and a great way to spend spring break.

3. Disciple Now, other wise know as D-Now, was an experience much needed in my life. One of the better events that River Hills has dished out, D-Now was a blast, though I was a bit sceptical at first. As soon as a heard the speaker, who I refered to as Kevin Kosner(not real last name), I was blown away. He was amazing, pouring out his sermons and experiences, it was moving. The intensity of his words were so powerful that I had no choice but to listen and absorb what he had to say, he is truly a man drenched in the word of God. I also got to stay at the Millers(the in-laws of my long time friend Matt Williams) and it was a blast. It was good to talk to Matt again, missed him after his moving to Fort Worth, so that was alot of fun in itself. Holly Miller (Matts wife) made her famous and always delicious oreo pie, possibly the greatest desert on the planet. Some how, toward the end of the ordeal, the topic of midgets came about once again between me, Matt, and Nick Wilson. Its sort of a tradition, all started at camp that previous summer, but thats another story. Anyway, midgets are the funniest thing on the face of the planet, its a fact. Whenever I see one I just want to pick it up and play with it, like its an oversized deformed doll, oh midgets, you always know how to keep a smile on my face, and often an obscene gesture in yours, midgets I salute you, which reminds me, I wonder if there are any midgets in the military, and if there are, what are they used for. I mean what can they do, besides entertain the enemy with their smallness, unless they make a rifle especially made for midgets, which would be silly, because it would always be mistaken for a toy gun. Anyway D-Now was great, and midgets are a tiny mess of fun.

What do superman and midgets have in common?

They both live in Smallville! hahaha, oh midgets... joke courtesy of Matt Williams

Well that pretty much sums up my adventures since I last blogged. For now I will rest, for it is late, and my eyes grow heavy. But heres a video to keep you busy. Thanks for reading, and if any of you out there a midgets I truly ment what I said and I have no intentions of apologizing, so ha, your still little, and im still pointing and laughing.

the hamburgler, genius